Meet Your Coaches


Brian Abell - Health Coach


  • 01

    B.S. in Exercise Science & Fitness Specialist from Indiana University
  • 02
  • 03
    Precision Nutrition Certified Coach
  • 04
    Kettlebell Lvl 1 & 2Certified
  • 05
    Functional Movement Lvl 1 & 2 Certified
  • 06
    Trigger Point Certified
  • 07
    Pre/Post-Natal Certified
  • 08
    ViPR certified
  • 09
    Power Plate Certified


  • 01
    Strength Training
  • 02
  • 03
    Pain Relief
  • 04
    Weight Loss

I had always been an athlete and played sports growing up, but I was always very skinny and was self conscious because of that, and my confidence was affected.

Early in college I got into weightlifting and really fell in love with the never ending challenge that comes with working out. It’s you vs. you and there’s no one to blame but yourself, and the competitor in me thrived on that. I was hitting the gym 6 days a week (too much in retrospect), and making pretty good progress not really knowing what I was doing, I was just working hard.  My 1  rep max on bench press went from 175 to 315 in just 8 months, and I gained 20 lbs of muscle overall in that time. Unfortunately I was sustaining a lot of minor injuries along the way that would have remained minor if I had just rested for a day or two, but I wanted to get to my goals so fast, that I thought there wasn’t a day to waste. Long story short, one of those injuries finally got me and I had to stop lifting for a few months and lost a lot of progress.

I’m sharing this with you because I have gone through things before receiving all the education I’ve gained throughout my career.  I’ve since learned that there’s a much more efficient, safer way to reach your goals than go-go-go “no days off” approach.

I want to help you learn from my mistakes and avoid putting yourself in harm's way and still maintaining a constant, successful path toward your goals!


Cassandra Therrien-Abell - Owner/Coach


  • 01

  • 02
    ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist
  • 03
    Precision Nutrition Certified Coach
  • 04
    Kettlebell Lvl 1 & 2Certified
  • 05
    Functional Movement Lvl 1 & 2 Certified
  • 06
    Trigger Point Certified
  • 07
    Pre/Post-Natal Certified
  • 08
    ViPR certified
  • 09
    Animal Flow Certified
  • 10
    Power Plate Certified


  • 01
    Lifestyle change
  • 02
    Repairing your relationship with food
  • 03
    Holistic nutrition
  • 04
  • 05
    Athletic conditioning
  • 06
    Plant-based fitness

I was never the athlete growing up...

Sure I dabbled in activities here and there but I was more the band kid than the jock. In fact my first year and a half of college was spent in and out of the E.R. a few times a year as a result of failing kidneys from poor choices in my health.  That's when I began adopting small habits and making small changes.

Throughout this, I focused specifically on enjoying the process and continuing to enjoy my life as it had always been. Not only did these changes allow me to press the reset button on my health, but the sense of strength I gained gave me the confidence to remove myself from harmful situations and an abusive relationship.

That's when I made the choice to pursue my career in wellness.  I do this to help people find their strength, fall in love with their own bodies, and prioritize self-care without sacrificing what they love.  

I've been working in the fitness industry now for 10 years and have helped 100s of client find their perfect wellness routine.

I can't wait to help you find yours!